Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Who is not familiar with the fruit of this one, yes red dragon fruit has a sweet flavor and color is very attractive making dragon fruit is favored by many people. Besides these pieces form a unique texture like a scaly dragon skin makes people curious about the fruit. The fruit is often referred to as dragon fruit. The dragon fruit has 2 kinds of colors: red and white. According to the research the dragon fruit is rich in vitamins and nutrients, good for the health of your body, it is actually contained in the red dragon fruit.But that does not mean the white dragon fruit has no health benefits, it's just superior to the red dragon fruit, because it is rich in vitamins and nutrients. One of the benefits of the red dragon fruit is that it can detect whether foods contain formaldehyde or borax as a health hazard. And besides there are a lot of the content contained in this red dragon fruit and beneficial to the health of your body. So do not be surprised if the red dragon fruit enthusiasts have a lot in Indonesia, although the selling price of the red dragon fruit relatively little expensive compared to other types of fruit.
Red Dragon Fruit Benefits For Body Health
Red Dragon Fruit

Red Dragon Fruit Benefits For Health
As for some of the benefits of the red dragon fruit for the health of your body is as follows:

  1.  On the red dragon fruit are compounds such as vitamin B, helpful in healing high blood pressure and reduce high cholesterol levels.
  2. Can help in doing a diet, because red dragon fruit is able to lose weight naturally.
  3. Assist in addressing the problems of the digestive system when consumed regularly. This is because the red dragon fruit has a high fiber content.
  4. Red dragon fruit also contains beta carotene compounds is high enough to exceed the carrot juice, the content is useful to nourish your eyes.
  5. The content of other nutrients red dragon fruit contains anti-oxidants which are able to prevent the occurrence of cancer and free radical attack.
  6. Dragon fruit can also overcome the problem of acne on your beautiful face, how to use it is quite easy, using the dragon fruit juice, then used as a mask on the face.
  7. This red dragon fruit also contains vitamin C, can help in improving the immune so it is not easy to get sick.
  8. Containing Phosphorus and Calcium, can nourish your bones and teeth.
  9. The benefits of further red dragon fruit is also to nourish the fetus in pregnant women.
  10. Sugar content in them can also be used as a substitute for regular sugar, good in preventing diabetes.
 Thus the discussion of this article on the benefits of red dragon fruit, hopefully this article can help you in knowing the many benefits can be given of this red dragon fruit for your health.