Sunday, June 14, 2015

Naturally thick hair is every woman's dream. Any woman who does not want dense and lustrous hair. Hair is the most important asset of a woman so arguably the crown for the woman herself. But sometimes women experience thinning hair whose name or loss, this is due to lack of maintenance of the hair or is caused by chemicals that may be contained dipewarna your hair when coloring your hair.

There is also a hereditary factor, indeed of origin of your hair is thin, and less tasty dipandang.Terus how to solve it?
Well here I will share tips or how to thicken hair quickly and naturally.

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Aloe Vera
Latin name of plants aloe barbadensis milleer is known for its potency to thicken and discolor hair. Many shampoo products that use this plant as a key ingredient for the manufacture of the shampoo. You can also use it directly, namely by applying it to all parts of your hair, then wash with shampoo. Perform your hair every day is guaranteed to be thick and dense quickly.

Egg Whites
Egg white was also beneficial for your hair to make it thicker and prevent hair loss. Due to the content of protein and other nutrients that can strengthen the hair follicle.The trick, first you have to rinse your hair with water until your hair damp. After that, you have to separate you puith eggs and egg yolks. Once separated, whisk the egg white and the egg puith apply on your hair and scalp until evenly distributed. Let stand for about 1-2 hours. After that you can clean with cold water. To eliminate the fishy smell of egg whites, you can use a shampoo that is made from natural such as aloe vera, so the effect is better.

Green tea

Green tea contains high antioxidant that is useful for improving blood circulation towards the hair. By using green tea it will be faster growing hair, soft, and shiny. Please brewed green tea, then apply to your hair and then cover with a warm towel. Let stand for 20 minutes then rinse your hair back.

How tips? Keen to give it a try?please try one by one way and see which one is faster thicken hair, and remember how this should be done routinely, because the effect will be better if done regularly.