If someone is hot inside, or in unhealthy conditions often have the name sore throat. Sore throat is usually caused by bacteria that spread in food or beverages that we eat. Can also through the air, so called cough or sore throat can be transmitted through the air. It is suggested that a sore throat and cough to wear a mask so as not to infect other people.
It is very uncomfortable if it's a sore throat, let alone to cough.
Want to talk hard, eat hard, let alone sing, and others as related to the mouth and throat. Sore throat remedy could actually utilize natural materials that exist around us such as salt, lemon, ginger and others. So here I will share some information about a natural remedy for sore throat and cough you, please be listened to.
How to treat a sore throat
As for some drugs sore throat by utilizing the natural materials around us can be seen below:
1. Gargling salt and drinking water
Gargling with salt water is very effective and fast relief to a sore throat. And salt water can also relieve heartburn when you drink it. As we know summer is one cause of pain in this throat. And also serves as an antiseptic salts, which can clean the mucus in the throat and relieve pain there. Before rinsing, make sure the water in the warm temperatures and fairly comfortable. Then, add half a teaspoon of salt and stir until blended. Gargle at least three times a day, and after gargling, drinking more new salt water. (Do not drink the water used kumuran).
2. Honey and Lemon
Honey is a natural ingredient that is most common and is often used to treat sore throats. Honey is often used because of the ability of anti-bakterialnya assist the process of treatment. While lemon is also useful for treating sore throat. If you combine the two would be more effective to treat your sore throat and cough.
3. Ginger tea
Ginger has been used since ancient times to treat a sore throat. Due to the content of zingiberin in ginger helps to remove toxins from the body and improve blood circulation. Anti-inflammatory efficacy in ginger also helps kill bad bacteria in the body. To enjoy this nutritious drink, quite a few segments ginger slices and enjoy with a cup of hot tea.
4. Garlic
Materials which are often used as a spice in the kitchen is found to treat a sore throat as well. This is because garlic contains a compound called allicin which is a bacteria-killing substance. How to use it very easy, you just chew some of the garlic, and let stand in your throat for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water. (followed by drinking ginger tea, or a mixture of honey and lemon)
Additional information: onion chewed in its raw state, not cooked
5. Star fruit
Fruit with the English name "Starfruit" This was also able to treat a sore throat. Star fruit proved to have anti-inflammatory properties that can be used to treat strep throat. To use it can be consumed directly, or for the juice (without sugar).